Tuesday, March 29, 2011

BREAKING: DHS Signals Quick End to Temporary Abeyance Policy

Married same-sex binational couples hoping that ALL applications for green cards would be put into abeyance ("on hold") until more firm decisions around DOMA come down will have to wait.

DHS has signaled that each case will need to be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Like last week's case in New York, where the judge delayed the deportation of an Argentinian woman legally married to an American woman, the judge could rule favorably in such a case.

Or, the judge could order the deportation.

We have LOTS of work to do. Please follow us on Facebook or join our Yahoo Groups list to keep informed and learn of grassroots actions.

Full story at Stop the Deportations: The DOMA Project.

UPDATE: In light of yesterday's decision by USCIS to change their "abeyance" policy again.... here's a petition on change.org to urge them to not revert back to the old policy.

Please sign, share the petition and get more people to sign.

Petitions by Change.org|Start a Petition »

We need you to get the word out and make some noise!

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