Wednesday, July 28, 2010

San Mateo, CA Board of Supervisors supports UAFA!

Yesterday, the San Mateo, CA County Board of Supervisors passed a resolution in support of UAFA.

San Mateo County joins our growing list of cities, counties and the State of California that have formally endorsed UAFA via a resolution or letter to their members of Congress.

Big thanks to our members Judy Rickard, Shirley Tan and Jay Mercado and family, David and Kelly who attended the committee hearing recently or e-mailed the Supervisors their personal stories and asked for support.

We also need to thank Supervisor Rich Gordon for introducing this resolution and working with his colleagues to see this pass. 

Supervisor Gordon's assistant, Preston Burnes' e-mail address is:

Please think about working on a resolution from a city or county near you - the more we have, the better!

You can easily achieve this by using the recently released Grassroots Groundswell Kit which can be downloaded here

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