Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Immigration Options for Binational Couples after DOMA: Free Seminar, June 8 in San Francisco

There will be a free seminar this Saturday, June 8 in San Francisco from 10am-12noon at the SF LGBT Community Center, 1800 Market Street, Rm 301, San Francisco.

You must RSVP to or (415) 834-9123 to attend.

The seminar will be recorded for viewing later, but if you are in the Bay Area, please come in person and meet others from Out4Immigration.

The seminar will be conduced by attorneys Kelly McCown and Jeptha Evans -- long-time supporters of our cause and Out4Immigration.

Kelly and Jeptha will discuss the impact on LGBT immigration if DOMA is struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court in a decision expected by late June, as well as the major benefits to same sex binational couples that would result, including green cards based on marriage, fiancĂ© visas, and more.  Participants will:
  • Learn how same-sex binational couples will benefit after DOMA
  • Know the requirements for fiancĂ© visas or marriage-based green cards
  • Understand the differences between applying in the U.S. and abroad
The seminar is free, but RSVP is required to: or (415) 834-9123. This seminar will also be recorded and the video posted to YouTube for later viewing.  For additional information, please see and go to News Updates or visit the Out4Immigration blog at:

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